Isolation doesn't have to be isolating: How brands can use their time wisely in the time of Covid-19
Data: 2020 m. kovo 27 d.

Nobody has to be reminded that the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to sweep across the world, represents a challenge for everyone. In the UK, for instance, the Prime Minister has asked the population to avoid offices and travelling - more than and many business leaders have asked their teams to ‘self-isolate’ and work from home. There’s a real siege mentality, and often in this kind of situation you feel like battening down the hatches, cost-cutting, withdrawing, and hunkering down for the foreseeable future. Serve your people first
Who can blame anyone, or any business, for having this instinct? It’s no secret that there are going to be economic repercussions and that many businesses are under strain. But this doesn’t mean that for as long as the virus lasts, businesses cannot look after their employees, serve their clients, and use the time intelligently.
Establish a customer dialogue
The lockdown is physical. But the digital world is as open and busy as ever. Take advantage of this. All businesses can use social and use content to communicate to their stakeholders and the wider public about how they’re putting the health of their employees first, but also carrying on as usual and working hard. They can send a clear message to their own industries and their fellow businesses will take strength from that.
Solidarity at a time like this is so important. Businesses that are ordinarily fierce rivals have to be united as industries and as important parts of society against something that affects everyone. By talking, talking, talking over social, in the media, and through content, businesses can make it plain that they’re refusing to be afraid. But it’s also through communication that you eliminate ambiguity. Ambiguity in life causes a great deal of anxiety. At a time like this, when there is ambiguity everywhere, there is naturally a lot of tension and nervousness. It’s only through open and constant communication that you can start to deal with this, and your stakeholders will appreciate it.
Develop digital dominance
There are other ways to use this time wisely. You can explore digital transformation by looking at the systems and processes within your team. Since people have to work from home and remotely, it should become clear where you’re lacking digitally. Rather than dismiss this or allow it to become a frustration, you can try new third-party tools and ways of working, and you’re going to have all the time in the world to experiment with different options. You can even, if you have the capacity and the resources, develop proprietary systems that will have benefits for your team and, potentially, for others long after the coronavirus crisis. These conditions provide the ultimate laboratory setting for this kind of work.
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