Europos marketingo organizacijų ir paslaugų teikėjų įžvalgos apie marketingo situaciją COVID-19 krizės metu
Data: 2020 m. balandžio 14 d.

LiMA, Europos marketingo konfederacijos (EMC) narė, dalinasi Europiniu mastu atliktos apklausos išvadomis apie krizės poveikį marketingui.
10 Europos marketingo organizacijų ir paslaugų teikėjų įžvalgų apie marketingo situaciją COVID-19 krizės metu:
Feedback collected from EMC Marketing Member Associations across Europe and their own surveys and investigations on the effects and strategies during COVID19 pandemic crisis.
1. PROJECTS: Longer lasting projects being stalled – focus on short term as well as lighthouse (digitalization) projects.
2. CAMPAIGNS & ACTIVITIES: Major campaigns and activities being stalled as well. All activities with live communication (events) being postponed (mostly into 2nd half of 2020 or completely cancelled.
3. PRICING: currently no changes planned, midterm a reduction in prices in certain categories (e.g. fee structures in services) to be expected.
4. PRODUCT & ASSORTMENT STRATEGY: currently no changes, but new product launches being postponed.
5. BUDGET AND ROMI: A significant push forward into Marketing ROI and marketing spent optimization topics, while budgets are facing massive pressure.
6. DIGITAL: Further push into digital and virtual event formats, as live (event) communication has come to a complete stop. Combination with focus on marketing tech and the establishment of new (scalable) digital platforms (Marketing Automation).
7. ORGANIZATION: Rethinking of the marketing organization in terms of structure, ways to work as well as required skillsets. Crossfunctional teamwork and the implementation of (virtual) New Work concepts (in particular Home Office) being top of mind and expected to continue also after the COVID19-crisis.
8. PERSONNEL: restructurings and lay-offs to be expected if crisis and lock-downs due to COVID19 will not come to an end mid of April 2020 … latest.
9. ROLE OF MARKETING: Marketing as the “Customers & Market Attorney” in many companies being asked to take the drivers seat for strategies in times of disruptive market changes.
10. EXPECTATION FOR THE FUTURE: a “Back-to-Normal” (hopefully) to be expected in a timeframe of 6 months and more.
April 3, 2020