Despite 25 Years Of Ad Growth, Diversity Remains A Challenge
Data: 2019 m. birželio 25 d.

A few months ago at Adobe Summit in Las Vegas, Adobe began its year-long celebration of 25 years of digital advertising, looking at the milestones and moments that brought the industry to the point it is at today.
The rise of digital advertising and increased diversity back in 1994 marked a turning point in advertising, a time when consumer demand for greater personalization and tailored experiences started to grow. Consumers wanted (and still want) to feel special and, above all else, recognized as the individuals they are and the communities they represent.
As part of the industry’s journey, and in order to get to the root of whether diversity in advertising has changed in the eyes of the people who consume it, Adobe conducted a global survey of over 2,000 consumers. The company looked across generation, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to better understand how diversity in creative and the way diverse ads are delivered and targeted translate into brand advocacy and consumer engagement. (Adobe is’s parent company.)
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