5 Practical Ways to Effectively Target Seniors in Digital Marketing
Data: 2019 m. liepos 11 d.

Older audiences are frequently removed from digital marketing focus with their potential business value excluded based on out of date assumptions and ineffective historical campaigns.
With a quarter of the 75+ audience using tablets, plus half of the 65-74-year-old adults having social media profiles, it’s time to rethink the senior population and start including the aging audiences into your next marketing campaigns.
In this post, you will learn:
- Some of the common misconceptions about the aging marketing opportunity.
- Real-world tactics to deploy for enhancing (and including) the 60+ demographics into your digital marketing projects
1. Senior Marketing Is More Than Just Influencer Targeting
Yes, there are large volumes of influencer opportunities (son, daughter, other family members, professional acquaintances, local news, offline thought leaders) that present an added layer of marketing potential when looking at generating outcomes from senior campaigns.
The issue that exists, however, it that the attention should not exclude and move away from the intended 60+ aged person, but enhance and support this focus as a result enhancement.
According to the latest Ofcom findings ‘Adults: Media use and attitudes report 2019‘:
- 96% use a mobile phone
- 43% watch on-demand / streamed content
- 58% have a social media profile
- 92% use a mobile phone
- 34% watch on-demand / streamed content
- 34% have a social media profile
- 81% use a mobile phone
- 22% watch on-demand / streamed content
- 20% have a social media profile
What this tells us as marketers is that there is direct access to older audiences through:
- Mobile/SMS and Smartphone marketing.
- Other growing audience trends such as video/YouTube and Social Media Marketing (SMM).
While the reliance on mobile technology reduces as audiences targeted age (primarily through increased television use and reliance for the over 50/60s), the use of mobile phones, tablets, and other technology is still high and growing every year.
As marketers, this increases the emphasis of marketing directly to the consumer (and prioritizing the end person over the influencer).
Practically speaking this means that AMP content alternatives, mobile first content mindsets, traditional mobile optimization, and related actions are as effective for senior marketing as all other demographics.
Read more here.