Think video marketing doesn't include performance marketing? Think again
Data: 2020 m. spalio 14 d.

Social distancing requirements have caused people to spend more time online than ever before, which has rapidly accelerated e-commerce, e-learning and remote working. This online surge has made it increasingly critical for businesses to maximize their digital presence, to reach potential customers and engage them across the purchase journey.
At Google, I lead a team of specialists who help brands do this through YouTube. And while video has played an outsized role in the marketing funnel since long before the coronavirus, many marketers have been slow to recognize its full potential. The fact is, beyond its benefits for brand-building, online video can also be a powerful performance driver. As we found in a recent study, for example, 70% of people say they bought a brand as a result of seeing it on YouTube.
The fact is, beyond its benefits for brand-building, online video can also be a powerful performance driver.
Whether you’re a brand marketer focused on creating demand or a performance marketer focused on fulfilling it, I’d encourage you to think of video ads more expansively and as an engine for both, especially now, in a time when every media dollar needs to stretch a little farther.
Here are three video marketing strategies — inspired by successful brands — that can help you take advantage of video for any objective.
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