How to prove media impact during business recovery
Data: 2020 m. lapkričio 09 d.

Measuring media effectiveness is essential for marketers. However, as people adjust to the realities of our new normal, measurement has become increasingly difficult. Campaigns that deliver a healthy return on investment today may not work as well tomorrow.
In a constantly shifting and uncertain environment, businesses face an even greater need to make careful, impactful business decisions. Yet marketers must also understand how consumers react on a nearly real-time basis. As the path to purchase changes, marketers must be agile enough to adjust and optimise campaigns to capture customers in the right moment.
One of the best ways to know if your marketing is working is by running experiments. Marketing experiments can be powerful tools to determine how many conversions each media type drove as a result of a marketing message — typically called incrementality, or lift — and how many would have occurred anyway, which in turn can be used to determine channel-level budgets. These experiments offer marketers a clearer understanding of what’s performing well and what can be improved.
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