9 predictions for marketing in 2021, from tomorrow’s industry leaders
Data: 2021 m. sausio 11 d.

You might think that, in the current climate, making marketing predictions is a fool’s errand. The past year has been filled with challenges that few people anticipated.
But even in times of rapid change, taking a moment to think about what’s on the horizon can help ensure you’re ready for whatever comes your way. To help, we spoke with 12 members and recent graduates of Google’s Associate Product Marketing Manager (APMM) program, which identifies and nurtures the next generation of marketing leaders. They shared their takes on what the next year will bring, and how brands should rethink their 2021 marketing strategies in response.
1. People will see through brand virtue signaling
2. Diversity marketing will be about more than race and gender
3. UX will be a bigger priority than ever before
4. Live-streamed e-commerce will help brands stand out
5. Practical will become the new premium
6. Augmented reality will go mainstream
7. Micro-influencers will have a macro impact
8. Personalization will scale massively
9. Selling health and happiness will capture Gen Z hearts and minds
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